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Paper Details

Light Rail & Rapid Transit
Finding the keys to unlock the best options for urban travel

Date Of Conference: 10/13/2005

2005 has seen further question marks posed over light rail’s role in British urban transport. While Government funds are still in principle on the table for the main approved systems – Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, South Hampshire - the likelihood of their construction is uncertain. Even more doubts hang over any further development of light rail lines. Yet the schemes in question have been developed over many years, and they are closely linked with development and regeneration strategies for the areas served.

It remains uncertain how far Government will to agree to and implement significant changes. Simpler approaches to procurement and funding and the integration of local transport are both seen as essential for development of light rail and indeed for improvement of all urban public transport. This conference, now in its sixth year, provides a unique forum for exchanging experience and opinion on these crucial issues, which concern all those interested in the future for light rail systems in Great Britain.

Scott Hellewell, Independent Transport Consultant

John Baggs, Technical Director, Railways, Parsons Brinckerhoff

Wolfgang Meyer, Honorary President of the International Association of Public Transport

Neil Scales, Director General, Merseytravel &
Phil Hewitt, Tramway Manager, Transport for London

Chris Cheek, Director, The TAS Partnership

Geoff Inskip, Deputy Director General, Greater Manchester PTE

Michael Sheedy, Director of Light Rail, Railway Procurement Agency

Chris Ferrary, Associate, Steer Davies Gleave

Alex Macaulay, Projects Director, tie Limited

Mary Bonar, Partner, Nabarro Nathanson

Andy Wood, Light Rail Director, Transdev PLC

Colin Brader, Director, Integrated Transport Planning Ltd &
David Anderson, Partnership Manager, Bath & North East Somerset Council

Ian Ambrose, Principal Consultant, New Rail Projects, AEA Technology &
Edwin Marks, Principal Consultant, Light Rail, AEA Technology

Format: A4 Wirobound
Our Ref No: C0171
© Landor Conferences, 2005
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