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Paper Details

South Coast Towns
Taking Forward Plans for Prosperity and Positive Change

Date Of Conference: 7/5/2023

Following the success of last year’s inaugural conference, this year’s event will focus on the issues and developments facing the series of towns which punctuate England’s South Coast from the Medway to the Solent.

The dramatic economic, social and physical changes that continue to take place along the south coast are challenging the traditional images and roles of towns. With a third of the South East’s businesses and workforce located on the south coast, the region’s strong growth, as well as the close relationship with both London and mainland Europe, offers great opportunities, but raises significant issues. Managing these changes and working in partnership to taking advantage of their unique location are key factors for south coast town’s successful regeneration and ensuring that they are viewed as places where people want do business, live, work and visit.

With the intention of opening greater dialogue and building on the wide range of delegates which attended last year’s event, the conference will look at the current economic and demographic context for the south coast, the effectiveness of regional strategies and projected future trends. Consideration will be given to the innovative nature of coastal towns, the opportunities for sustainable renewal and a range of success stories from a strategic to a project-specific level to offer models for wider application.

Mike Gwilliam, Director of Planning and Transport, SEERA
Pat Tempany, Head of Urban Renaissance and Housing, SEEDA
Dr Nicholas Falk, Director, URBED
Guy Rubin, Senior Researcher, Regional & Local Economics, New Economics Foundation
John Scott, Director, Surrey and Sussex, and Home Office Director, Government Office for the South East
Ewa Maciejewska & Dan Blott, School of Architecture, University of Portsmouth
Barbara Thompson, Strategic Director for Economy, Culture and Community Safety, Portsmouth City Council
David Quarmby, Chairman, SeaBritain 2005
Alan Haydon, Director, De La Warr Pavilion Charitable Trust
Nick Ewbank, Director, Creative Foundation
Richard McMann, Head of Investment and Tourism, Arun District Council
Mark Dowling, Head of Development and Urban Regeneration, Toursim South East
Norman Kinnish, Director of Economy, Tourism and Environment, Eastbourne Borough Council

Norman Kinnish, Director of Economy, Tourism and Environment, Eastbourne Borough Council
Peter Stonham, Editorial Director, Landor Publishing and Group Travel Organiser Magazine

For further information please contact Landor Conferences on 020 7582 0128

Format: A4 Spiral Bound
Our Ref No: CO165
© Landor Conferences, 2005
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