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Paper Details

Information and Interchange
Key factors for securing integrated public transport

Date Of Conference: 6/28/2005

Current national policies in Great Britain profess to aim at an integrated system to best serve economic, development and community interests. Yet the structure of transport administration and regulation in Great Britain (outside London) militates against the strong public authority led partnerships that underpin the integrated systems found in many continental European countries. But a good deal can still be achieved, and there have been notable gains where local transport authorities, operators and other agencies have worked through a series of coordinated measures in relevant fields.

Two key areas, for which there is national policy support, are provision of information and development of interchange facilities, including ticketing. The Government Transport Direct initiative has relied heavily on IT systems; but how does this fit in with local publicity and promotion? Indeed, how useful is information unless the operation itself is reliable and cohesive? Coordinated area ticketing and the provision of good interchanges can go a long way to demonstrating integration in practice, but they require good cooperation and planning.

This conference will consider the practical opportunities in these key areas for PTEs and local transport authorities, transport providers and other interested bodies. It will also identify the possible barriers and consider how they might be addressed. For local transport authorities, including PTEs, it will provide a practical review at a key stage in development of the second round of LTP’s, while for operators it will highlight transferable good practice. It will form a valuable opportunity for practitioners and advisers to demonstrate to the incoming Government some helpful proposals and requirements for future policy action.

It will prove valuable for:
• Passenger transport managers and transport planners in PTEs and local transport authorities
• Managers and business planners in public transport companies
• Specialists and researchers in information and fares systems
• Development agencies and developers
• Elected members of PTAs and local authorities
• Consultants in transport and spatial planning
• Banks and financial organisations
• Legal advisers
• Transport consumer groups
• Academics in transport, spatial planning and regeneration

Andrea Soechnchen, Project Manager, UITP
Peter Huntley, Director, The TAS Partnership
George Burnett, Head of Local Transport Plan Group, Surrey County Council
Peter Warman, Independant Consultant
Ray Stenning, Design Director, Best Impressions
Guy Wolfenden, Transport Director, Cityspace
Glenn Lyons, Director, Centre for Transport & Society, University of the West of England
Tony Richardson, Fares Analysis Manager, Transport for London
Jeremy Meal, Director of Smartcard and Ticketing Strategies, MVA
John Henkel, Director of Passenger Services, Metro West Yorkshire PTE
Ciaran Rogan, Marketing Executive, Translink
Francis Cheung, Senior Advisor, Dutch Government Transport Research Centre

John Carr, Visiting Senior Lecturer, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds

For further information please contact Landor Conferences on 020 7582 0128

Format: A4 spiral bound
Our Ref No: C0164
© Landor Conferences, 2005
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