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Paper Details

Applying parking standards to new developments
Turning policy objectives into practical solutions

Date Of Conference: 21/06/2023

In setting maximum parking standards central government hopes to reduce car dependency and see developers, facility managers and businesses encourage greater use of public transport, walking, cycles and car sharing. There is also a desire to see a shift from car-dependent out-of-town developments towards a renewal of the town centre. However, the standards set out in PPG13 have been the subject of much discussion and revision, indicating that there are still many issues to resolve.

This conference will consider the conflicts and issues that have been provoked by the guidance and its application locally and regionally. It will include presentations drawing on the soon to be published Institution of Highways and Transportation’s Parking Strategies & Management Guide.

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO89
© Landor Publishing, 2002
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