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Paper Details

Making Smarter Choices Work
The First Annual Sustainable Travel Towns Conference

Date Of Conference: 3/17/2005

This conference is the first in an annual series that will track the progress of the national Sustainable Travel Towns Initiative, and bring together everyone involved in making Smarter Choices work in their town, city or community.

The aim of a Sustainable Travel Town is not simply to have a more effective transport system, but also to provide a better environment and a more congenial place to live. This conference series will provide delegates with a detailed insight into the challenges faced by the three showcase Sustainable Travel Towns - Darlington, Peterborough and Worcester - as they put their programmes into place.

Speakers: Councillor Nick Wallis & Richard Alty, Assistant Director, Development and Regeneration, Darlington Borough Council; Patricia Hayes, Head of Sustainable Travel Team, Department for Transport; Werner Brog, Managing Director, Socialdata; Owen Wilson, Principal Transport Officer, Darlington Borough Council; Jamie Gray, Sustainable Travel Co-ordinator, Sustainable Travel Team, Peterborough City Council; Emilie van de Graaff, Passenger Transport Development Manager, Roger Cook, Project Team Leader, Sustainable Travel Town, Worcestershire County Council; Lynn Sloman, Transport for Quality of Life; Don Nutt, Associate, Steer Davies Gleave and Geoff Gardner, Travel Awareness Officer, North Yorkshire County Council.

Chairs: Cllr Nick Wallis, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Darlington Borough Council and Richard Walker, Transport Planning Society

Format: A4 spiral bound
Our Ref No: CO156
© Landor Conferences, 2005
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