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Paper Details

The Night Time Economy
24 Hour City Understanding and managing evening and late night leisure activity: the tools for the job

Date Of Conference: 2/9/2023

Evening and night-time in urban areas has developed at an extraordinary pace in recent years. Some areas in our major towns and cities are now effectively open 24-hours, demanding planning and management solutions to cope with the resultant impacts.

This conference is the key cross-disciplinary event for all those who need to understand the latest trends in the night-time economy, and best practice for managing its impacts. It provides an opportunity to share visions of a vibrant, safe and environmentally sustainable city at night, and to build relationships essential to delivering the goal of good management.

Speakers included: Alan Brown, Head of Public Space Performance and Funding, Liveability and Sustainable Communities Division, ODPM; Helen Hayes, Urban Practitioners Ltd; Alex Bax, Senior Policy Officer, Greater London Authority; David Turner, Senior Lecturer in Local Policy and Community Development, Cloucestershire University; Mark Hastings, Director of Communications, British Beer and Pub Association; Cathie Smith, Director of BIIAB, BII; Michael Bedford, Planning Barrister, 2-3 Gray's Inn Square; Marc Sigsworth, Producer, BBC1 Documentary - Policy Christmas: A Drunk and Dangerous Special; Cllr Chris Allen, Hammersmith & Fulham. author of LGA paper 'Night Time, the Right Time'; Asst Chief Constable Simon Parr, Hertfordshire Constabulary; Angie Took, Chief Executive, Wolverhampton City Centre & Hedley Allen, club promotor and writer for Alternative London Magazine.

Format: A4 spiral bound
Our Ref No: CO151
© Landor Conferences, 2005
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