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Paper Details

Putting Old Buildings to Productive New Uses
Releasing real commercial and community benefits from the built heritage: learning from the 'Restoration' experience

Date Of Conference: 2/27/2004

The third annual ‘Putting Old Buildings to Productive New Uses’
event takes place in this new context of greater public awareness
– but still limited professional understanding of the true issues
explored in the two previous events, which provided important
focus for all those committed to preserve, make good use of, and
harness the true economic and social value of historic buildings.

Speakers include: Philip Davies, Director of London Region, English Heritage; Panel Discussion chaired by Fred Taggart, Director, Regeneration Through Heritage; Panelists: Phil Davies (as above); Kate Clark, Deputy Director of Policy & Research, Heritage Lottery Fund; Marianne Suhr, Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings & presenter, 'Restoration' Nikki Cheetham, Executive Producer, 'Restoration'; Jonathan Ellis, Chief Executive, Empty Homes Agency; Ken Greig, Partner, Greig & Stephenson Architects & George Nicholson, Chairman, Trustees of Borough Market; Martin Griffiths, Founder & Chairman, Penrhos Trust; Gill Wright, Project Manager, The Victoria Baths Project, Manchester; Andrew Bradburn, Heaton & Houldsworth Property Company; Adam Wilkinson, Secretary, Save Britain's Heritage; Henry Owen-John; North West Assistant Director, English Heritage; Sylvia Wilson, Whitefield Rresidents Conservation Group, John Miller, Heritage Trust for the North West; Cllr Alan Davies, Leader, Pendle Borough Council, Sheila Tolley, Strategy & Policy Director, Elevate East Lancashire.

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO126
© Landor Conferences, 2004
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