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Paper Details

Ending the Blight of Abandoned Vehicles
Strategies for implementing the End of Life Directive nationally and locally

Date Of Conference: 11/19/2003

The problem of abandoned cars has reached seemingly epidemic proportions. The wrecked, often burned out hulks of dumped cars are not just an eyesore, they are a danger and encourage other forms of anti-social behaviour.

The EU End of Life Directive's requirement for the environmentally sensitive disposal of old cars has made the cost of scrapping vehicles more expensive. Ironically, this has exacerbated the problem of abandoned cars.
Speakers include:
Steve Norgrove, Head of Waste Policy & Vehicle Recycling Section, DTI; Julian Lucraft, Consultant, West Sussex County Council; Dr Pauline Deutz, Research Associate, University of Hull; Cllr Philip Portwood, Chair of Transport Environment Committee, Association of London Government; Paul Everitt, Head of Policy & Economics, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders; Steve Isbister, Environmental Health, Kettering Borough Council; Zuliqar Ali, Director of Environmental Services, LB of Ealing; Derek Hulyer, Operations Director - Clamping & Removals, VINCI Park UK; Ade Adebanjo, Head of Business & Operational Services, LB of Croydon; Jeff Cooper, Producer Responsibility Policy Manager, Environment Agency; Derek Wilkins, End of Life Vehicles Co-ordinator, EMR

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO123
© Landor Conferences, 2003
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