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Paper Details

Community Safety Conference
Delivering something other than punishment: attacking the roots of crime, protecting the victim, reforming the offender

Date Of Conference: 10/14/2003

Following last year's highly successful event - which set out to provide an overview of the key issues in implementing crime reduction and countering anti social behaviour - this year's conference address specific issues in more detail.

Speakers include:
Stephen Radburn; Manager, Partnership Business Model team, Home Office's Crime Reduction Delivery team; Una Padel, Director of The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, Kings College London; Supt Adrian Rabot, Head of Community Safety, London Borough of Southwark; Dr Alex Hirschfield, Environmental Criminal Research Unit, University of Liverpool; Tim Read, Sen Lecturer, Community Safety & Crime Prevention, Uni of the West of England; Susan Cousins, Executive Director, Safer Merthyr Tydfil; Tony Seddon, Assist. Section Head, Research & Evaluation Team, Nacro; Dr Marcus Roberts, Head of Policy, Drugscope; Spkr from Nafas; Mark Luetchford, Co-ordinator, Shape: Children's Lives & the Crime Debate; Paul Bowers, Director of Service Delivery, Youth Justice Board; Camila Batmanghelidjh, Director, Kids Company

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO119
© Landor Conferences, 2003
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