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Light Rail & Rapid Transit
Public transport that makes a difference: finding the right formula

Date Of Conference: 10/7/2023

Are the new systems now under construction, such as Nottingham, going to demonstrate success or are alternative techniques - guided busways, high frequency bus routes run with articulated buses - a better bet? There are other technological issues at the scope for light rail providing cheaper and more effective services on some railway lines in urban areas (an approach that has already proved successful in some cities of continental Europe)

Speakers include:

Michael Faulkner, Head of Local Transport Policy, Department for Transport; Tony Young, Independent Consultant; Jeremy Edge, Research Director, ATIS REAL Weatheralls; Roger Harding, Gen Mgr, Tramtrack Croydon; Francois-Xavier Perin, MD,Transdev; Bill Tyson, Director, Greater Manchester PTE; Steve Jenkins, Policy & Project Development Manager - Surface Transport, TfL; Tony Collins, Group Manager-Contracts, West Sussex CC; Colin Brader, Dir, Integrated Transport Planning; Stephen Clark, Director of Planning, SRA; Reg Harman, Independent Consultant; Trevor Dowens, Senior Consultant, Lloyds Register MHA Limited

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO118
© Landor Conferences, 2003
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