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Paper Details

Recapturing streets from traffic for people
In Town, Without My Car! 2003 Launch Conference

Date Of Conference: 9/17/2003

The conference will look at both innovative ways of managing traffic and safety through promoting sustainable transport options, modal choice, and modifying the design and use of urban road infrastructure to change driver behaviour and give prority to pedestrians and the 'soft' modes.

Speakers include:

David Jamieson MP, Parliament Under Secretary of State, DfT; Philippe Mertens, European Mobility Week Co-ordinator, Inter - Environment Bruxelles; Nicola Cheetham; Environmental Advisor, TfL; Geraint Williams, Town Centre Manager, Stockton-on-Tees BC; Ben Hamilton-Baillie, Strategy Director, West of England Partnership; Linda Beard, Streets for People Project Officer, Transport 2000; Ray Lane, former Head of Engineering Services, Gloucester CC, Valerie Belsey, Freelance Environmental Author; Jo Pike, National Walk to School Campaign Co-ordinator, Living Streets; Lynn Sloman, Independent Consultant, Transport for Quality of Life; Phil Goodwin, Professor of Transport Policy, ESRC Transport Studies Unit, UCL; Bruce James, Transport Investment Consultant, City of Nottingham Council

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO116
© Landor Conferences, 2003
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