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Paper Details

Future Roles for Towns and Cities
Regeneration by re-definition

Date Of Conference: 5/13/2003

This conference is for and about towns and cities which have lost their traditional role due to social or economic change, industrial decline, or shifting patterns of population and activity. It will explore a number of emerging policy themes about their prospective future – from the national perspective to the specific challenges faced by practitioners.

The morning sessions will involve presentations by leading futurologists and social/economic commentators who will consider the ways towns and cities develop and examine their role in the 21st century. Advocates of particular options will explain the ingredients that can deliver success. During the afternoon, representatives from towns and cities will unveil plans set to transform their image and role. There will also be international case studies from USA, Italy and Ireland about how they have created new roles for their towns and cities.

Speakers include:
Charles Ledward, Director, EDAW; Adam Gordon, Editor in Chief, The Next American City; Andrew Curry, Director, The Henley Centre; Dr Nicholas Falk, Founder Director, URBED; Andy Westwood, The Work Foundation; Martin Blackwell, Chief Executive, Action for Market Towns; Wendy Fogarty, Slow Food UK; John Henderson, Development Executive, Scottish Executive; John Shaw, Project Director, Hastings & Bexhill Task Force; Iain Sim, Divisional Director, Urban Regeneration, LB Croydon, Sarah Raper, Commercial Director, Catalyst Corby; David Kennedy, Executive Director, Barnsley MBC; Richard Booth, Founder, Hay-on-Wye Booktown; Liz Meaney, Arts Officer, Cork City Council

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO111
© Landor Publishing, 2003
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