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Paper Details

The 5th Annual London Rail Conference
Developing London's Railways: Choosing the priorities to suit the needs and resources

Date Of Conference: 5/8/2023

This challenging commercial and policy environment for London’s railways will form the principal theme for the 5th Annual London Rail Conference. Directors from both the SRA and Transport for London will review the current policy climate. They will be followed by speakers from train operators, local authorities, regional planning and specialist consultants, looking at the key practical issues, how priority schemes may be determined and funded and the opportunities for positive action in lower-investment options that still exist. Successive sessions will focus on how rail provision must be linked to London’s commercial and residential development, the scope to define a comprehensive London-based network plan, and the vital importance of providing quality services for increasingly discerning passengers. To provide an international comparison, a speaker from the Dutch Railways will describe the massive expansion of rail capacity and services in the Delta Metropolis (Randstad) region.

Format: A4
Our Ref No: CO110
© Landor Publishing, 2003
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