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Paper Details

CD Rom Creating Places for Everyone
Developing Approaches That Deliver Successful Multu-use Public Spaces

Date Of Conference: 5/3/2023

CD ROM containing:
• Copies of all speaker presentations
• Audio of all speakers presentations and question and discussion sessions
• Speaker biographies and any additional papers they have supplied

The desire to achieve high quality public realm has received growing political support in recent years. A general consensus has emerged that recognises the importance of public places for improving quality of life, creating local identity and enhancing commercial success. Following decades of under funding, public spaces and urban streets are beginning to receive the full attention of public bodies and private firms, and with it the
opportunity for realising their full potential.
But if we are to create a vibrant, well utilised
public realm, the way in which we plan, design and manage public places must take into account
changes in society and the needs of a diverse communtiy and range of activities. As well as developing appropriate policy and guidance, practices must evolve if public spaces are to become welcoming to all.
This annual gathering for those concerned with designing, managing and maintaining public
spaces will consider the latest thinking from policy makers and practitioners, generate debate on key issues and consider effective delivery strataegies.
As usual, the conference will look at both policy context and the most creative and innovative
approaches to the design and delivery of
streetscapes and public spaces, and be illustrated by best practice examples from around the UK and abroad.

Tom Franklin, Director, Living Streets

Rob Cowan, Director, Urban Design Group

Bruce McVean, Acting Head of Policy and Research, CABE Space

Rob Cowan, Director, Urban Design Group

Peter Piet, Director, Urban Design, Project Centre

Max Nathan, Centre for Cities, Institute for Public Policy Research

Liza Fior, Director, MUF Architecture

Alan Davey, Director, Arts and Culture & Architecture and Historic Environment Division, Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Colin Caver, Project Manager, Atkins Global

Leon Yates, Project Manager, Urban Design, London Borough of Lewisham

Hansevert Karssenberg, Director, Stipo Consult

Colin Davis, Director, Colin Davis Associates

John Dales, Director, Urban Initiative

Format: CD Rom
Our Ref No: CO187
© Landor Conferences, 2006
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