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Paper Details

CD ROM Bus As Rapid Transit
A key component for urban development?

Date Of Conference: 3/16/2006

CD ROM containing:
• Copies of all speaker presentations
• Audio of all speakers presentations and question and discussion sessions
• Speaker biographies and any additional papers they have supplied

Despite the government’s stated policy, the bus in most parts of Great Britain remains a humble carrier for the more dependent people in society. Yet the bus viewed as a rapid transit system offers major potential for upgrading travel and quality of life in the urban areas, where much of the population live and work. Vehicle development has created a bus which offers the high quality facilities that the local travel market demands, and other aspects, such as information, are underpinned by the advance of relevant technologies. But bus transit services also require freedom to operate in a way that combines the flexibility of bus routes with the speed and reliability of rail based lines: this involves own right-of-way or substantial priorities on existing roads, or both in many cases. So it is fundamental that there is an effective partnership between bus operators and local authorities, and this has to be based around a sound and properly funded transport strategy.

This conference will closely review the current state of play in Great Britain, looking at what current techniques and technologies offer and at the issues raised by current policies and regulations. It will also cover experience abroad, notably in North America and the Netherlands. Practical illustrations will cover a number of existing schemes, showing how these can serve both high density urban corridors and also more dispersed areas. It will also identify how the package of techniques can greatly enhance the image of bus services in most places. Overall the conference will show how bus based transit schemes have a major role to play in the urban development toolkit, complementing other modes of both public and private travel.

George Hazel, Managing Director, MRC Mclean Hazel

Bill Tyson, Chairman & Managing Director, Transport Management Group Ltd

John Bonsall, Consultant, MRC Mclean Hazel

Chris Ferrary, Associate, Steer Davies Gleave

Colin Eastman, Transport Policy Advisor, Coventry City Council

Alex Macaulay, Projects Director, tie Limited

Giles Fearnley, Chief Executive, Blazefield Holdings Ltd

Dirk Amerijckx, Sales Engineer, Van Hool

Dave Haskins, Assistant Director-Rapid Transit, Metro West Yorkshire PTE

Barbara Bedford, Project Director – ftr, FirstGroup

Ian Sproul, Senior Engineer Transit Systems, Parsons Brinckerhoff

Bob Menzies, Head of Delivery – Cambridgeshire Guided Busway, Cambridgeshire County Council

Keith Dove, Translink Project Manager, Luton Borough Council

Format: CD ROM
Our Ref No: CO184
© Landor Conference, 2006
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