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Paper Details

CD ROM Bus Regulation
Partnership, contracts or a third way?

Date Of Conference: 1/26/2006

CD ROM containing:
• Copies of all speaker presentations
• Audio of all speakers presentations and question and discussion sessions
• Speaker biographies and any additional papers they have supplied

Where do we go from here?
Ministers are facing pressure to reform the system of bus
deregulation across Britain outside of London. With passenger
numbers continuing to fall in many parts of the country, local
politicians in the conurbations look enviously at the dramatic
growth in passengers recorded in London where services
are regulated. Transport secretary Alistair Darling has said
he is reviewing the options and that there may be a need for
legislative change. He has also said that local authorities will
probably need more powers over buses if they are to introduce
innovative demand management measures such as congestion
So what is the way forward?
Does the solution lie in trying to make the existing system
work better and by making greater use of statutory quality
partnerships? After all, some parts of the country have
recorded significant passenger growth under deregulation.
Can the so-far untried route of Quality Contracts deliver the
necessary changes at acceptable cost or are the barriers to
their delivery insurmountable? And what are the options for
legislative change?
This one day conference will present an opportunity to
discuss these and other issues with many of the key players
in the industry.

Jonathan Bray
Assistant Director

Andrew Forster
Local Transport Today

Brian Souter
Chief Executive

Graham Stringer
MP & member of transport select committee

Philip Brown
Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great Britain

Roger French
Managing Director
Brighton and Hove Bus Company

Neil Gellatly
Team Leader for Sustainable Transport
Dundee City Council

Basil Jackson
Head of Passenger Transport
Cambridgeshire County Council

Francois-Xavier Perin
Chief Executive

John Hibbs
Emeritus Professor of Transport Management
University of Central England

John Hodgkins
Transport and Accessibility Manager
Buckinghamshire County Council and ATCO Chairman

Rob Donald
Director General, Centro
& Chair of PTEG

Brian Cox
Independent Consultant

Tony Grayling
Associate Director
The Institute for Public Policy Research

Peter Huntley
TAS Partnership

Format: CD ROM
Our Ref No: CO180
© Landor Conferences, 2006
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