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Paper Details

CD ROM UK Rail Stations
What are the priorities for providers and users in Britain's new railways regime?

Date Of Conference: 11/17/2005

CD ROM containing:
• Copies of all speaker presentations
• Audio of all speakers presentations and question and discussion sessions
• Speaker biographies and any additional papers they have supplied

Major changes are now being made in the administration of Britain’s railway system, with planning and franchising responsibilities passing to the Department for Transport. Meanwhile the next periodic review of national railway finances will require the Secretary of State to set medium term aims for the railway system. Successfully developing Britain’s railway stations in the new era will call for effective understanding and sound partnerships. These themes are central to the issues being addressed at this year’s Rail Stations conference, now in its fifth year.

Highlights include

Department for Transport views on the role of stations
The National Audit Office’s value for money review of railway stations
What passengers want from stations
Developing stations within the local community
Managing and developing Sweden’s stations
Management of local stations to increase patronage
The full implications of DDA provision
Using CCTV to increase station security

Alan Beswick, Director, JMP Consulting

John Ekins, Independent Transport Consultant

Mark Lambirth, Director, Rail Strategy & Resources, Department for Transport

Keith Holden, Director of Transport Value for Money, National Audit Office

Anthony Smith, Director, Rail Passengers Council

Daniel Wright, Rail Development Officer, Surrey County Council

Susan Miles, Central Stations Officer, ACORP

Kurt Hultgren, Stationsradet, Sweden

John Yunnie, Disability and Inclusion Adviser, ATOC

Rudi Boersma, Concession Development Manager, Merseytravel

Simon Adcock, Managing Director, ATEC Security Ltd

Scott Witchalls, Partner, Peter Brett Associates

Format: CD ROM
Our Ref No: CO174
© Landor Conferences, 2005
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